• Diastasis Recti
  • Why Do I Look Pregnant?

    why do i look pregnant

    Normal bodies take time to heal postpartum. But if you had a baby a while ago and still “look pregnant”, there could be an underlying reason. Before we dive in, a friendly reminder that many women have some extra fat to protect organs, so please be kind to yourself. Why Do I Still Look Pregnant? […]

  • Prolapse
  • How To Fix A Prolapse Without Surgery

    how to fix a prolapse without surgery

    If you have pelvic organ prolapse, you might be wondering if you can fix your prolapse without surgery. The good news is that you can absolutely improve your prolapse without surgery most of the time. Prolapse occurs when one or more of the pelvic organs descends into the vaginal canal. It is a common occurrence […]

  • Prolapse
  • Prolapse After Childbirth: Symptoms & Relief

    Pelvic organ prolapse is a common occurrence after childbirth. In fact, one estimate shows that 90% of women who experience a vaginal delivery will also experience prolapse. A postpartum diagnosis of prolapse can feel scary, but have hope. Prolapse after childbirth can typically be improved with proper training and body mechanics. Prolapse After Childbirth Postpartum […]