This is stupid-easy to make. Feels kind of weak making it an official recipe, but heck, I want to show you that nutritious eating doesn’t have to be fancy.


  • 1 heaping cup organic frozen mixed berries
  • 1/2 cup macadamia milk
  • 1 scoop plain or vanilla protein powder of choice*
  • 1 heaping handful of ice

*This is the protein powder I like best. Use code ashley22 for free shipping in the US.


  1. Toss in mixed berries, macadamia nut milk, ice and protein powder. Blend. And boom.


I love to top mine with chopped banana and a little of this super yum granola. If you are using store-bought granola, just check for sugar content. This granola is pretty clean and delicious if you want to purchase rather than prepare.