My twins have colds. Total bummer. I know.
Healthy Strawberry Lemonade, adapted from Elana’s Pantry, is my go-to remedy.
Think lemonade isn’t a good winter drink? Think again. The lemon juice is loaded with vitamin c, provides numerous cleansing properties, and is soothing on a sore throat. The honey also helps
to soothe that throat, and contains antioxidant, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties that fight against the virus to actually help treat the cold, as well as its annoying symptoms. And the slightly sweet taste encourages kids (and adults) to drink plenty of fluids to flush the cold through their system and thin out mucus.
We also make this healthy lemonade frequently in the summer to help beat the heat and stay hydrated.
I know lemonade isn’t viewed as a winter drink, but I’m telling you…it is the perfect natural cold-fighting remedy and naturally helps boost the immune system.
Healthy Cold-Fighting Strawberry Lemonade
2 cups freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 pint strawberries
8 cups water
2 TBSP honey
1/2 tsp stevia (Trader Joe’s Organic Liquid Stevia, 2 fl oz)
In a large pitcher add squeezed lemon juice, diced strawberries, water, and stevia. Warm honey so that it combines easily. Add honey and stir. Let sit for 30 minutes so flavors combine.