I have two words for you: Comfort FOOD!

This is seriously my favorite home cookin’ meal.

You can make this using whatever vegetables you have on hand. I really like root veggies such as carrots, potatoes and parsnips. Brussel sprouts and broccoli also taste great. If you dig mushrooms, toss some in there, too. No rules.


1 whole roasting chicken (about 5-6 pounds)

1 large onion, thickly sliced

6 carrots, chopped

2 sweet potatoes, chopped

2 cups sliced brussel sprouts

1 head broccoli

1 head garlic

Olive Oil


Bone Broth or Chicken Stock, 32 ounces

Meat Seasoning

Roasting Pan


1: Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.

2: Dice veggies. If desired, add whole cloves of garlic unpeeled. Yum!

3: Generously coat veggies with olive oil. Toss.

4: Place baking rack in the roasting pan. Remove giblets from chicken and rinse out the inside. Pat and dry the outside. Place in pan.

5: Melt 1/3 cup butter. Drizzle both sides of the chicken, making sure it is well covered. Take a few pats of butter and stuff under the breast. Try to lift the skin as little as possible to preserve the moisture when cooking.

6: Sprinkle your meat seasoning and use your hand to gently press the seasonings onto the chicken.

7: Start with about 1.5 cups of bone broth or chicken stock. Add to the veggies. Important note: you’ll need to add more broth as you go.

8: Check the chicken every 20-30 minutes to see if you need to add more stock to the veggies. Roast for about 1-1.5 hours total. Meat thermometer should register at 185 degrees F in the breast, and skin should be golden brown.