• Diastasis Recti
  • Diastasis Recti Before and After

    I am always amazed when I hear stories and see photos of my Get Mom Strong mamas healing from diastasis recti (DR). Your progress is a true testament to the resilience of postpartum bodies. According to the Cleveland Clinic, “[diastasis recti] affects 60% of people. About 40% of those who have diastasis recti still have […]

  • Diastasis Recti
  • Why Do I Look Pregnant?

    why do i look pregnant

    Normal bodies take time to heal postpartum. But if you had a baby a while ago and still “look pregnant,” there could be an underlying reason. Before we dive in, a friendly reminder that many women have some extra fat to protect organs, so please be kind to yourself. Why Do I Still Look Pregnant? […]