• C-Section
  • 14 Must-Haves for C-Section Recovery

    C-section recovery items

    Recovering from a c-section is no joke! Healing after a c-section birth takes longer than recovering from a vaginal delivery, and may take a different approach. As a c-section mom myself, here are my favorite items for c-section recovery:  1. AltroCare Postpartum & Post Surgery Abdominal Binder A postpartum binder should feel like a gentle […]

  • C-Section
  • C-Section Scar Massage: How and Why

    importance of c section scar massage

    Are there benefits to c-section scar massage? Does scar tissue massage really help? Could your c-section scar be the reason you have a nagging shoulder injury, hip pain, neck pain, or back pain? The short answer to all these questions: Yes. Keep reading, this is a must for my c-section mamas. The Importance of C-Section […]