Incontinence Recovery

You absolutely don’t have to pee yourself for the rest of time after you have babies. Many women think kegels are the answer, but sometimes they make things worse. Healing incontinence takes a whole-body approach.

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The SLAM Program has Helped


Moms Stop Leaking and Start Living Without Limits

More Stories


Lindsay H.

"I’m strong, I have no incontinence (which I thought would never happen, though I haven’t tried running again) and I can hold my 24lb toddler forever."

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Stephanie V.

"I had to pee pretty much the entire time, and I DID NOT PEE MY PANTS!"

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Georgina A.

"I don't need to wee so urgently any more, I can go to bed and not have to get up again 15 minutes later to go to the bathroom."

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"I can laugh/cough/sneeze without peeing (mamas know what I mean). "

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Lisa F.

"I no longer have the incontinence issues, don’t have to do the leg cross when I sneeze, and feel like I’m capable...These programs gave me my life back."

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Chelsea A.

"I love that I can cough, jump, laugh and do all the things with little to no leaks!"

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Amy A.

"I am so happy to have gained my 'strong' back and to show my boys a strong and confident Mama!"

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Kara M.

"Significantly less symptoms from my mild bladder prolapse coupled with almost no leaking anymore."

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Get Even More with a Full SLAM Subscription

The best way to heal your core and pelvic floor is through total body fitness.

With the full SLAM subscription you get access to 6 total body fitness programs, a nutrition program, private Facebook community and a library of health tips from fitness and health experts.

Explore Full SLAM

900+ Workouts

9 unique programs for every level

  • At-home workouts that heal your core and pelvic floor
  • Beginner to advanced options
  • PLUS a pregnancy program

150+ Health Tips

Curated health tips from fitness & health experts

  • Short videos and guides
  • Improve movement for daily living
  • Expert pelvic health tips

180+ Recipes

Fuel your body with love

  • 30+ nutrition lessons
  • 180+ healthy, easy recipes
  • NO restrictive diets or calorie-counting!

Incontinence Recovery

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Featured Stories

The SLAM Program has Helped


Moms Stop Leaking and Start Living Without Limits

Viki V.


I just wanna say a huge thank you to Ashley because her program basically got me back to the life I used to have before I had a kid! I was a competitive netball player, a gym goer and basically loved working out. But my pelvic floor gave up on me after I had my kid.

In my 3rd trimester, I developed a hernia and my OB told me that it was due to a weak pelvic floor and my job as a Physical Educator was causing more strain. So you would think after giving birth there would be some follow up to this weak pelvic floor issue but nope. I saw a PT and was ensured my DR was closed and went right back to lifting and running.

"Little did I know that my weak pelvic floor was further gutted by this return to intensive exercise."

A year postpartum and I could no longer do back to back lessons or demonstrate any form of jumping movement without leaking pee. It was crippling and embarrassing. I considered wearing pantyliners to school while teaching.

Then I came across your account and started following it. Did a free trial and really liked what I saw. I completed SLAM Bridge halfway and moved on to SLAM and the improvement I experienced is massive!!! I could now do intensive workouts again, I finally relearned how to brace my core when lifting heavy.

"I can finally demonstrate skipping and high knees and burpees and EVERYTHING without the fear that I may pee myself."

What the program has done for me is absolutely remarkable and I’ll recommend it to all moms, whether pregnant or postpartum!

Lindsay H.


"I’m just so freaking proud of my body right now."

 I’m strong, I have no incontinence (which I thought would never happen, though I haven’t tried running again), I can hold my 24lb toddler forever, but also I know my limits and when to ask for help.

 I’m gearing up for another pregnancy and scared because I do have POP, but this program really gives me so much hope.

 I have lost no weight, if anything I’ve gained a few lbs since giving birth and I do need to work on my nutrition and listening to when my body is actually hungry, and I still want to work on my posture, but I can actually see the progress here and it blows me away. First photo was before I started SLAM . I’m halfway through SLAM45 now.

Stephanie V.


I finished SLAM!  I really love this program. One year (and a week) postpartum with my second. I lost 6lbs but went up a fair bit in weights. My proudest moment so far is finding out I can do alternating shoulder presses with 20lbs when I used to do 12!  My plan was to repeat SLAM again with heavier weights and focus on nutrition this time. I have weight loss goals, but I’m still nursing my baby a lot and only getting 5-6 hours of sleep a night, so I’m not sure how that’s going to go. I want to reward myself with a new wardrobe on my 35th birthday in May. Here’s the kicker, I started SLAM over yesterday and it felt super easy. So I did Day 1 of SLAM Advanced and it kicked my booty but I loved the challenge. Thank you for this program!

"I did Day 1 of SLAM Advanced and it kicked my booty but I loved the challenge. Thank you for this program!"

I took the kids to Costco, which I do every other week. Usually, I wear my daughter in a carrier but I let her try riding in a cart for the first time today. I feel like a beast every time I lift my 4 year old in that cart. It’s a tall cart and I’m 5 feet tall so I’m lifting him into a seat at my chest height and having to hover him there while he figures out the leg holes.

The whole trip was a success.  Here’s the biggest thing, I had to pee pretty much the entire time, and I DID NOT PEE MY PANTS. I made it home!  I also realized how the heck would I go in the store bathroom with the kids situated like that without asking a stranger to look after them?  Usually, I’d wear a pad just in case, and probably would have leaked at the very minimum. I forgot a pad, and did not leak on myself. This is huge for me, people!

Georgina A.


I finished SLAM Bridge! I’m so proud of myself. It’s the first exercise programme I’ve ever stuck with. I started in May so it took longer than 12 weeks but I kept coming back to it and rested when I needed to. I look forward to doing it every day and it’s made me feel super strong and learn to trust my body.
There are so many things that have improved because of this programme, some are things I didn’t even know were a problem.
I don’t need to wee so urgently any more, I can go to bed and not have to get up again 15 minutes later to go to the bathroom. I had no idea I had a tight pelvic floor before I started.
My posture is so much better, my shoulders are less hunched and less sloped – bag handles actually stay on them now!
I can carry heavy stuff and feel confident doing it. The other day I moved my sewing machine to the other room and lifted it onto the table and then realized I’d done it all with one hand and hadn’t even noticed! I can carry my 99th centile toddler all the way home from the library in my arms. I carried a large heavy picture frame over a mile to save on delivery fees and my arms were surprisingly fine!
Before I started SLAM, the heaviest dumbbell I’d ever used was 1.5kg. I started with 2.5kg and now that’s my light weight, my heavy weight is 6-8kg. I could never do a side plank and now I can hold one for 15 seconds. I still can’t go all the way down for elevated push ups but I’m getting better at them.
I haven’t lost any weight but I haven’t put any on either. My bum has come back after going flat postpartum. I can see my c-section scar in the mirror without lifting a roll of fat and skin out of the way. I think I’ve lost a couple of inches in places but I’m not so bothered about that. I’ve been thinner before but I’ve never been so strong.
Sorry for the long post but I’m just so happy with how I feel and so surprised by how much I love exercise and carving out time in my day to do something positive for myself.
Thank you Ashley!!!



Well, it took me almost 6 months to complete a 12-week program, but SLAM Bridge is in the books! I love how much this program focuses on gains. I can carry two toddlers upstairs. I can laugh/cough/sneeze without peeing (mamas know what I mean).

"I can forgive myself if I need to rest a day. I can bounce back from a break and get back into my routine. "

  I can eat food without seeing it as a reward or a punishment. I can teach all day without crippling back pain.  Thank you, Ashley. You have helped me find the road to me again. And don’t forget that SLAM 🍑!!”


Lisa F.


After birthing my human into the world, I was left with a 4th degree tear and a whole lot of trauma to my core and pelvic floor. Thankfully my doctor referred me to a pelvic floor therapist right away who recommended Ashley and her programs to me, for which I will be forever grateful. Ashley’s programs have been life changing and that’s no exaggeration. I was a very active athlete before pregnancy and after, felt incredibly defeated and depressed.

I couldn’t function normally, let alone workout without peeing (or unfortunately pooping) myself. That is not a good place to be – physically or mentally. I was very scared I would never get to do all the things I had done previously but worst of all, I was afraid I wouldn’t get to enjoy life with my son and run around with him as he got older.

"These programs gave me my life back."

I’ve been doing Ashley’s programs for almost a year and can now say that I am stronger than pre-pregnancy. I no longer have the incontinence issues, don’t have to do the leg cross when I sneeze, and feel like I’m capable, which as you can imagine, is a total change both physically and mentally. These programs gave me my life back.

I really wish every single woman could learn how to properly engage their core and pelvic floor before pregnancy, during, and after. It isn’t something that’s taught mainstream but is a total game changer and something I never knew how to do correctly before Ashley’s guidance. One of the best things about Ashley’s programs- you get to be a part of an amazing Facebook community that is full of other supportive women that are in the same boat as you.

Ashley shows up and answers questions for us which is not something you typically get with an online training program and it’s truly invaluable. If you’ve debated about jumping into these programs, do it! Commit to it, participate in the community and get support, ask all the questions. You absolutely will not regret the investment in yourself.

Chelsea A.


I wanted to share progress from SLAM30 so far. I was doing SLAM before but when SLAM30 came out I was SO happy! I was blown away at myself and the fact that 30 minutes IS enough time to start getting into shape! I‘m starting week 6. I’m currently working with a nutrition coach so that has helped so much, also! But this is literally all I’ve been doing. Eating healthy and SLAM30- because that’s all I have time for lately.

I’m so encouraged by all of you mamas all the time! So thanks for keeping me motivated every day! Peep that slam booty lift and I love that I can cough, jump, laugh and do all the things with little to no leaks! I’ve upped my weights and sometimes close to what Ashley Nowe uses (when she references her weight or when I can see the number on them) whoop whoop! I FEEL so much stronger; I love this program so much

Amy A.


After my first baby I thought I would never do *pretty much* anything without leaking. As a college athlete I struggled to find my ‘strong’ after both of my pregnancies until I found SLAM. I am a week away from finishing SLAM and the #gains are seemingly infinite (hello not leaking anymore ).

"However, my biggest gain since joining the SLAM community has been learning to love and appreciate my body in all of its stretched glory."

To find a community that is truly uplifting and supportive of women has been life changing. I am so happy to have gained my ‘strong’ back and to show my boys a strong and confident Mama!

Kara M.


New mom here! Just had to show off my progress photos since I finish SLAM Bridge tomorrow! Striped shorts are 2 months postpartum, black shorts are today (5 months postpartum). I lost 1-2 inches across my body measurements! I did weigh myself out of curiosity and only lost 2 pounds which is just further proof that the number on the scale doens’t mean sh*t ! I don’t restrict or count calories, but I have made some healthy changes to my diet by following Ashley’s nutrition guide and dropping my diet soda habit.
NSVs include:
Significantly less symptoms from my mild bladder prolapse coupled with almost no leaking anymore.
Much improved mental health through exercise and positive self-talk and balanced prescription
Killin that mom game with less back pain and more muscle!
Started the program with no weights and lots of modifications; ended with 25 lb dumbbells as my heavy weights and no modifications!
Just wanted to thank everyone in this group! So inspired and uplifted during my postpartum journey!

"So inspired and uplifted during my postpartum journey!"