Recovering From Pelvic Girdle Pain

Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) is painful. It commonly occurs during pregnancy thanks to a shift in hormones, and it can linger postpartum. The antidote? Strengthening and coordinating the right muscles.

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The SLAM Program has Helped


Moms Kick Pelvic Pain to the Curb

More Stories

Pelvic Pain

Lolo S.

"My SPD is no longer an issue! "

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Pelvic Pain

Alana C.

"I feel so strong carrying my twin boys!"

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Pelvic Pain

Elyssa B.

"I can tell I am getting stronger, but I’m not in pain."

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Pelvic Pain

Nicole R.

"I no longer have sciatic pain and can physically feel my core engage during exercise!"

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Pelvic Pain


"I started your program and learned how to rebuild myself from the inside out. It was incredible. No more pain!"

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Pelvic Pain

Rachel S.

"It wasn’t like one day I woke up pain free, but thinking back now, it really was like one day I woke up pain free!"

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Pelvic Pain


"Found your program and started when I wasn’t pregnant to be proactive and then kept with it while pregnant and my SPD never came!!!!"

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Pelvic Pain

Haylee C.

"Non aesthetic wins: -less pelvic pain -less leaking -my lower abs felt like they “woke up” -I can carry my giant baby for longer "

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Get Even More with a Full SLAM Subscription

The best way to heal your core and pelvic floor is through total body fitness.

With the full SLAM subscription you get access to 6 total body fitness programs, a nutrition program, private Facebook community and a library of health tips from fitness and health experts.

Explore Full SLAM

900+ Workouts

9 unique programs for every level

  • At-home workouts that heal your core and pelvic floor
  • Beginner to advanced options
  • PLUS a pregnancy program

150+ Health Tips

Curated health tips from fitness & health experts

  • Short videos and guides
  • Improve movement for daily living
  • Expert pelvic health tips

180+ Recipes

Fuel your body with love

  • 30+ nutrition lessons
  • 180+ healthy, easy recipes
  • NO restrictive diets or calorie-counting!

Recovering From Pelvic Girdle Pain

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Featured Stories

The SLAM Program has Helped


Moms Kick Pelvic Pain to the Curb

Tia A.

Pelvic Pain

I have gained the ability to play with my kids. I mean really play and be in the moment – not out of breath barely keeping up, sitting on the couch as they run back and forth. I am chasing my kids, picking them up, carrying over 55lbs of babies (2 under 2) without the fear of pain from pubic symphysis or prolapse.

"Strong like a mother is an understatement!"

I’ve gained a new perspective of embracing my postpartum body, not depriving it from things to fit the ‘mold’ before baby body! But instead praising it and loving every extra inch, even the stretch marks and loose skin because it brought my children into this world!

Lolo S.

Pelvic Pain

I had awful SPD. I saw a PFPT regularly and I started Core Basics and then SLAM Bridge with heavy modifications at 4mo PP. It took a lot of tedious work but at 8 mo PP I was able to do a return-to-run program and my pelvis hasn’t been an issue!

Alana C.

Pelvic Pain

My PGP has finally gone away! I got it during my third trimester with my twins, and it didn’t go away until I started doing this program at 12-13 months PP! I also feel so strong carrying both my 25lb boys. My Diastasis Recti has significantly improved as well!

I was so worried I’d be stuck like that for the rest of my life! And was absolutely terrified of how much worse it could get during any future pregnancies. I don’t have that fear anymore, and I couldn’t be happier about it!

Elyssa B.

Pelvic Pain

I am truly so grateful for the program you have put together. I have followed you for 3 years. In those three years I have experienced 3 pregnancies and had 2 babies. I have been an athlete my whole life, and am a certified personal trainer. Despite all this, my workouts were consistently inconsistent. I just made them up on the fly. I exercised 5/6 times a week, but just no organization to it.

"I have never wanted to commit to a program for fear of failure. Not that I couldn’t do it, but that I wouldn’t be able to follow it perfectly since, you know, life. Seeing you post about any movement is better than no movement, and the other women who follow your program who sometimes don’t make it through the whole workout before their kid interrupts them was helpful."

After years and years of my friend trying to talk me into it I decided to follow one of her programs. It is strictly a lifting program. Once I started this and I stuck to it I really enjoyed following a program. I thought I was fine to lift like this since, in large part to the free educational material you put out, I never had leaking problems or other issues after my last 2 births. However, doing these heavier type lifts I realized my core was not ready. I was having pelvic heaviness and pain and pressure. I was also having pelvic girdle pain that was unbearable. I decided that I would make the switch to your program and it was the best decision I ever made.

It has been 3 weeks since I began your program and I feel so good. I can tell I am getting stronger, but I’m not in pain. I focus on my core in every exercise. You challenge the heck out of me and I love it. I have a long way to go and a lot of healing to do still, but I am so grateful you offered the 30 days free, I will be a member for life now. Thank you for helping me to feel better. I thought I was going to live with pain forever. I hope to one day be able to lift heavier and I have confidence that following your programming I will do just that.

Nicole R.

Pelvic Pain

I no longer have sciatic pain and can physically feel my core engage during exercise! Doing this program I expected I’d probably lose weight and my clothes would fit better, which happened. What I wasn’t expecting was to feel so confident in my body. I’m not confident because my body looks “perfect” and I’ve reached my “ideal” weight… I don’t even have an ideal weight anymore. I’m confident because I’ve gotten stronger. I can carry my kids without feeling exhausted, I can hike, run, and move heavy things by myself.

I’ve never done a workout program, or really worked out consistently before Get Mom Strong. After having my second baby I decided to try working out at home to gain some strength and for my mental health. During pregnancy I experienced sciatic pain which continued postpartum. My core was so weak I couldn’t even get through the second set of exercises in Core Basics without terrible sciatic pain.

Get Mom Strong has allowed me to workout whenever I find the time during my day. Because I’m a stay at home mom, my boys are often with me while I’m exercising and are learning the importance of taking care of their bodies, which is something I’ve never really prioritized. Ashley’s focus on health and strength rather than weight loss is an incredible breath of fresh air. I am so grateful that I found a program so focused on healing and gaining strength while being so mindful of a postpartum body and the schedule of a mom. I will never stop singing the praises of this program!


Pelvic Pain

I just have to tell you how much your program helped me. I am an avid runner and a track and cross country coach. After my first baby I started running so quickly. Every run it felt like my uterus was about to fall out of my vagina. It was so uncomfortable and sometimes painful but I just assumed that was normal postpartum running. I also battled injuries for a year. After having my second child, I started your program and learned how to rebuild myself from the inside out. It was incredible. No more pain!

I have also been so much kinder to myself and allowed my body to actually heal and get stronger. I went on a 7 mile run this morning with zero pain, averaging 7:45s. I felt so strong and proud afterwards! I’ve told so many people about your program and thank you so much for putting it out there! Your hard work for women everywhere is not going unnoticed!

Rachel S.

Pelvic Pain

Six months ago I couldn’t stand up and do dishes. I couldn’t walk pain free around my house let alone anywhere else. That was my life for the last year! I have seen 3 PT’s and 2 Pelvic floor PT’s. All were helpful in one way or another but none solved the root of the problem. I have followed GMS on Instagram and was eyeing the program but thinking, “I just can’t do it”. On my birthday, I started the program. My last PT loved it, as did I, so she sent me on my way. It wasn’t like one day I woke up pain free, but thinking back now, it really was like one day I woke up pain free! I have a long way to go and it hasn’t come without setbacks but I feel and look so much stronger!


Pelvic Pain

I just want to thank you and quickly share my story! Had awful SPD with my second, and was terrified of getting pregnant again.

Found your program and started when I wasn’t pregnant to be proactive (got me in the best shape of my life) and then kept up with them (minimally though, like 1 or 2x week) while pregnant and my SPD never came!!!!

Also now, 7 days postpartum, I’m in such a good head space about recovery thanks to the knowledge I’ve gained from you! I know I’ll get there. So thank you for doing what you do!

Haylee C.

Pelvic Pain

Guys! I started Core Basics at 2.5 months pp in mid November and have done about 3 videos a week since then. I’ve done level 4 seven times and might try level 5 this week. I know I still have a lonnng way to go but this is so so encouraging.

Non aesthetic wins 

-less pelvic pain 

-less leaking 

-my lower abs felt like they “woke up” 

-I can carry my giant baby for longer