Stories of Prolapse Hope

Prolapse can leave you feeling hopeless, but your prolapse can absolutely improve. Thousands of SLAM moms have seen significant improvement in their prolapse symptoms. Read their stories. Find hope.

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The SLAM Program has Helped


Moms Reduce Their Pelvic Organ Prolapse Symptoms

More Stories


Montana W.

"I felt truly broken...But then I found @GetMomStrong and through her program I found HOPE."

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Molly C.

" I've come so far and I realized this postpartum fitness journey is not a linear one."

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Kristen M.

"You saved me and brought me the tools to empower myself to take control."

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Olive M.

"I started the Get Mom Strong program because of my newly diagnosed bladder prolapse. I am completely asymptomatic now and living my life with almost no modifications"

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Julie M.

"My prolapse will always be a part of my life, but I was still cleared from physio because my pelvic floor is so strong now that it's stable!"

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Ash R.

"My prolapse is stable and not moving an inch on impact."

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Anna G.

"I have the skills and knowledge how to correctly do all physical work I need without damaging my body..."

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Wendy M.

"Since I started this program I have been more confident in my body's ability and that my bladder won’t suddenly just fall out! "

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Get Even More with a Full SLAM Subscription

The best way to heal your core and pelvic floor is through total body fitness.

With the full SLAM subscription you get access to 6 total body fitness programs, a nutrition program, private Facebook community and a library of health tips from fitness and health experts.

Explore Full SLAM

900+ Workouts

9 unique programs for every level

  • At-home workouts that heal your core and pelvic floor
  • Beginner to advanced options
  • PLUS a pregnancy program

150+ Health Tips

Curated health tips from fitness & health experts

  • Short videos and guides
  • Improve movement for daily living
  • Expert pelvic health tips

180+ Recipes

Fuel your body with love

  • 30+ nutrition lessons
  • 180+ healthy, easy recipes
  • NO restrictive diets or calorie-counting!

Stories of Prolapse Hope

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Featured Stories

The SLAM Program has Helped


Moms Reduce Their Pelvic Organ Prolapse Symptoms

Tiffany M.


I am so happy with this program! I just finished SLAM. I just want to encourage all of you that are just beginning and feeling down.

This program is worth its weight in gold! Seriously! When I started SLAM I had significant symptoms because I had a level 2 bladder, uterine, and rectal prolapse. I also had a very weak linea alba. I could stick my finger past the second knuckle in between them. I also have an umbilical hernia.

I have 6 years of CrossFit experience and not one time was I taught how to properly engage my core or protect my pelvic floor. It’s not because the coaches didn’t care…they just don’t know. I had so much leaking, back pain, problems going to the bathroom and was planning surgery for a hysterectomy and pelvic floor repair.

I decided to go ahead and give SLAM a try when the gyms all shut down. I knew about Ashley before but I just loved CrossFit so much I didn’t want to do anything different.

"You guys! I don’t even know how to express how grateful I am to Ashley and this program!! She just knows how to help you heal."

She knows how to train a woman’s body. I can feel a difference. Not only do I not leak anymore, I have no back pain, and going to the bathroom is so much easier that I don’t plan to move forward with the surgery. I just don’t need it anymore!

I can run and play with the kids, I can jump on the trampoline with them without having to change my clothes, I can even do double unders with no leaking!!! My core feels stronger than it ever has. I feel stronger than I ever felt doing CrossFit! I can’t even imagine how great I will feel when I am done breastfeeding.

"I also love that because I am doing my workouts at home, my little ones often join in and they are learning that strong is the real goal, not skinny."

On the appearance side of things: my legs and booty!  My butt looks better now at 41 than it looked at 21. I have never had much of a booty. I just couldn’t get it to lift and round out. It is so fun to see the changes! I had a hard time getting pictures because I don’t have a full length mirror in my house right now. I didn’t take before pictures because I honestly just didn’t expect to see these kinds of changes. This program is the full shebang! Keep at it ladies. It is SO worth it! P.S. I am 22 months postpartum with #4. On to Slam Advanced!!

Montana W.


I wanted to share my postpartum journey to maybe help other mamas out there. After Noa something didn’t feel right-my midwife sent me to a PFPT- got diagnosed with a mild prolapse & a hypertonic pelvic floor which honestly I had no idea what a pelvic floor was but what it did was force me to slow down, learn about my body and rehab my body after pregnancy.

I couldn’t do a lot without hurting; was afraid that lifting/holding Noa/Eli would make things worse, so afraid to lift heavy, it strained when using workout bands, forget kettlebell swings, burpees, planks, no more beloved boot camp classes or dance. So needless to say I felt really, really broken and REALLY angry at the *weak* state my body was in leading to resenting being pregnant-Like I had 100% ruined my body. Like legit ruined it. I cried… a lot. I felt truly broken.

But then I found @GetMomStrong a year after Noa and through her program I found HOPE. Hope that I could do a freaking workout without hurting. I can honestly say her program has made me stronger than I’ve ever felt, because I started slow (I hate slow) with rehabbing my core, followed her program (supposed to take 6 months but has taken me 10) and have substantially minimized my pain to basically none. I have yet to not modify a burpees, plank, jumping, no crunches, etc and have felt my strongest ever and I’m doing it all safely, but intentionally to get stronger than before.

"I can honestly say her program has made me stronger than I’ve ever felt, because I started slow..."

The reason why I am sharing this is to help those Mamas that jump right back into the fitness routine like I did after my first. If I could give you a loving word of advice: Find a program/account like @Getmomstrong or others out there; Get checked by a PFPT for your pelvic floor/Diastis Recti, this will help you learn exercises to help heal; MODIFY & REHAB YOUR CORE! Bc if you can be preventive with these issues, why not. It boggles my mind that doctors sign off on fitness at 6 weeks! Like just jump right back in your full blown fitness routine, it’s CRAZY!!

This is my story, vulnerable and transparent, everyone’s is different, but I just wanted to shed some light if you are that girl that is feeling ‘broken’ after having kids like I did. Not being able to do the things you loved to do bc your body, well, is just different. It’s the most joyous time in your life, but it can also be the hardest/loneliest when you are healing alone and not recognizing yourself in the mirror, physically and mentally, especially feeling pressure of societal norms of what the woman’s postpartum body should look like; which is to literally look like we never had a baby before, and that is so twisted! It’s like being skinny right after being pregnant is an accolade, it’s not right.

So let’s normalize the postpartum body!! Honestly, your body goes to one extreme to the next!  This is 40 wks>1 month post> TWO years after babies.  It’s a slow process. It’s not glamorous, you obviously gain weight (spoiler alert) but it is powerful and it’s real and strong. 

So Heal yo’ body, have GRACE, focus on HOPE, support other women on their journey, You my dear brought a life (lives) into this world!

Molly C.


A year ago this week I was told to stop exercising and given little to no direction after being diagnosed with a prolapse. Fast forward to today and I have officially finished SLAM Bridge, SLAM, and just started SLAM Advanced.

I am so so grateful for the progress I’ve made this year. It’s been a tough season, and I’ve had to really tap into some serious mental and physical determination that I didn’t know I had.

"Things still aren't always perfect, but I've come so far and I've realized this postpartum fitness journey is not a linear one (and it took me three babies to figure that out)!"

This community has done wonders for me, and I hope I can be an encouragement to any mama who is in the boat I was in last year, unsure of what the future holds. Today was day two of SLAM Advanced and it felt awesome! So thankful for the strength I’ve built and the ability to move my body!

Kristen M.


I am so thankful for GMS! Your message is about empowerment and we need to hear that so much more. It seems we tie ourselves to a scale number and fixate on that! I wanted to share this photo to show women that success is not a number reflected on a scale. This is “only 7lbs” and ONE YEAR of progress. The difference between photos is actually ONLY doing your program as written, no additional workouts (like hiking or running) for 9 weeks.

"I am getting my life back!"

Physically, in my confidence and mentally in my sense of self. My identity has been so heavily tied to my active lifestyle for years and post prolapse I thought that was all behind me. In the thick of mourning the diagnosis I found Get Mom Strong. You saved me and brought me the tools to empower myself to take control. Thank you so much!

Olive M.


I started the Get Mom Strong program because of my newly diagnosed bladder prolapse. I was so tired of doctors telling me what I shouldn’t and couldn’t do: I shouldn’t lift anything heavier than my baby and I definitely shouldn’t be lifting heavy weights. The lists of don’ts could really go on.

So I really wanted to find a program that gave me the confidence to lift those heavy weights while also being conscious of my pelvic floor. I was in such a depressed state thinking I’d have to worry about my pelvic floor for the rest of my life and I was terrified to move my body.

"I am completely asymptomatic now and living my life with almost no modifications."

 Get Mom Strong helped me gain my confidence back, build a really strong pelvic floor, and also some pretty badass biceps in the process. Who knew the strongest and most confident I’ve ever been would be after having a baby?

Julie M.


Today marks 496 days ago I finally took the plunge and started SLAM. Today I finished SLAM Advanced and feel so freaking accomplished.
I am not as lean as I was when I started and am at least 6lbs heavier, but there is no way I could do badass biz like this before; run sub 27 minute 5K’s, haul around both of my kiddos, bring in all of my groceries in one load, or show my girls how awesome it is to be a strong woman!

My prolapse will always be a part of my life, but I was still cleared from physio because my pelvic floor is so strong now that it’s stable, and I am finally at peace with that and proud of how far I have come.
Put in the work mommas. It’s worth it. It just takes time.

Ash R.


In the last workout tabata Ashley talked about the type of trainer she was and how she wants all of us to be strong and I tell you what I definitely feel strong! When I was newly pp I cried in my PFPTs office and told her that I just didn’t have trust in my body anymore, well now she’s telling me how bulky my pf is (not just booty gains) and how much stronger it is as well as my prolapse being stable and not moving an inch on impact. I feel strong and after 2.5 years ish, I finally have trust back in my body. I even did jumping squats with no symptoms on day 1 of my period which is usually when I have to cruise and go low impact!

Anna G.


I started out with insane prolapse symptoms stage 2/3 – couldn’t even vacuum, mop, or take out a bag of trash. I felt so weak and discouraged. But doing SLAM changed everything!

I can be active with my two toddlers, prolapse symptoms are at a minimum, and most importantly I have the skills and knowledge how to correctly do all physical work I need without damaging my body. I absolutely love that you make functional exercises and encourage women to listen to their body.

SLAM pace is still a bit too intense for me, so I exercise on a modified schedule. However, it’s still very effective because I’m pushing myself but still honoring my body at the same time. Oh, and I have to add – all that weight loss was a ‘side effect.’ I never ‘dieted’ or restricted my eating, on the contrary – I start eating a lot! Huge thank you for what you do Ashley!

Wendy M.


Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post about my body insecurities before my holiday. Well I wore the bikinis, I was not the smallest woman to wear one I was also not the biggest. 

I ran with my girls playing what’s the time Mr Wolf, I lifted them both when they wanted. We had a great time and although I’m no longer a size 8 (uk) and I’m not 100% happy with my postpartum body. 

"I am now able to lift both my girls sometimes at the same time 31kg! with grade 1 bladder prolapse."

I hadn’t lifted my nearly 6 year old since she was 3 due to my prolapse, since I started this program I have been more confident in my body’s ability and that my bladder won’t suddenly just fall out!

Thank you to Ashley Nowe and the team and this amazing community.