• Diastasis Recti
  • How To Check For Diastasis Recti

    Ashley using two fingers above her belly button to check yourself for diastasis recti

    Are you wondering how to check yourself for diastasis recti? Diastasis recti is the thinning of the tissue that runs between the “six-pack muscles.” Perhaps you have noticed a ridge or coning from your belly when you sit up. Maybe you’ve lost all the “baby weight,” but still feel like you have a lower belly […]

  • Diastasis Recti
  • Kegels aren’t all that

    What if I told you that kegels alone aren’t always the answer for all your postpartum woes? I know, I know. Your obstetrician said it would fix your leaking, pelvic pain, back pain, eliminate wrinkles and ward off gingivitis. Yes, I am being snide, but the truth is the kegel has long been hailed by […]

  • Diastasis Recti
  • Monday Move: Band Pull Apart

    This exercise gets a lot of credit for its benefits working the upper back and shoulder, but let’s not forget how effective it is at working the transverse abdominis–those inner most “corset-like” abs. A few things to remember on this exercise. You can adjust the resistance with the band you chose and/or where you hold […]

  • Diastasis Recti
  • Monday Move: Wall Plank

    I get asked with great frequency if planks are safe postpartum, while pregnant and/or with diastasis recti. My answer is annoyingly vague. If you can do a plank and maintain that tensile strength throughout the movement, then plank away. However, if you are newly postpartum, pregnant and/or have diastasis recti, there is a pretty good […]