• C-Section
  • C-Section Scar Massage: How and Why

    importance of c section scar massage

    Are there benefits to c-section scar massage? Does scar tissue massage really help? Could your c-section scar be the reason you have a nagging shoulder injury, hip pain, neck pain, or back pain? The short answer to all these questions: Yes. Keep reading, this is a must for my c-section mamas. The Importance of C-Section […]

  • Pregnancy
  • Pregnancy Exercises: First Trimester Tips To Know

    Thank goodness – you do not need to stop exercising in early pregnancy. In fact, data shows that staying physically active as your pregnancy progresses can yield significant health benefits including decreased rates of gestational diabetes, reduced likelihood for a C-section, and faster postpartum recovery. Exercise during pregnancy can also boost your mood and make […]

  • Recipes
  • Carrot Cake Protein Smoothie

    I know this recipe sounds kind of weird. Like, “Ashley…don’t lie to me. It can’t possibly be good like carrot cake.” But is is SO GOOD. I am obsessed with this smoothie. All other smoothies are dead to me now. This is the GOAT. It tastes so wholesome. The nutmeg makes it seem warm even […]